It's been another insanely busy week for me so sorry about disappearing! The week started out hectic with me doing a 2 day trip going to Palm Springs, Burbank (I had just left that morning mer...), then to Santa Barbara and Tuscan. I was at my apartment for the night then had to go to recurrent ( job testing) for work the next day! I'm still employed so I guess that means I passed! HAHA! I was so stressed.... seriously it wasn't even funny. The night before I was going to hunker down in my hotel room and study to make sure I had all my bases covered. But my parents surprised me at the hotel and took me out to Tucano's to wish me good luck. (Did I mention that my mom is a flight attendant with the same company I am? AND I am totally going to try and fly with her when I move out to LA! Mother-daughter team!) I was pretty proud of my self for not doing the meat service (hehe) but I did the salad bar.... I waddled out of there. My little sister was also in the process of moving from Provo up to Salt Lake and had all her stuff and bed in her car, so I made her come have a sleep over with me since I had an extra bed in my hotel room. I seriously love my little sister, my pikachu. Only with her can I be the big geek that I really am and she loves it... and yes we totally played "no more monkeys jumping on the bed".

The next day, dreaded Recurrent day, ended up not being so bad. I tend to overstress and over think everything.... yes, I am a Taurus. Within the first 10 minutes, 3 flight attendants were sent home for not having the correct paperwork. So for the rest of the day there were just 7 of us. We moved on to CPR and Emergency situations. I had studied the ones I thought they would quiz us on the the night before, but just my luck, my emergency scenerios were on aircrafts I have never flown before...... the 700 and 900, 2 flight attendant planes. I'm used to just working on the smaller planes by myself. The first scenerio was choking baby on the flight and after a time or 2 of really whacking that baby ( dummy hello! i would never just go around whacking babies) we were able to get the "gum" out. My other scenerio was a slow pressure leak in the cabin. Thankfully we were able to identify the problem early on and reseat passengers away and passed that one too!! Boo ya bitchs! The rest of the day flew by with doing emergency evacuations and fire drills. As nervewrecking as it was, it was good to go back and do hands on training and get some refreshers. SO people! If you fly with me, just know you are in good hands and I can save your ass!
OK, now on to the fun part of the weekend. I have some of the best friends, wife ( friend I live with) and room mate ever in Arizona. My room mates planned a big 2 day farewell party for me! What made it even more special for me is that everyone who is important in my life there was able to make it one day or the other, including J! He never has any free time to come out so it was amazing having him come out and finally meet everyone, even though it was the last party. The first night, we went out to downtown Scottsdale and went to one of our favorite places, Gilligans. It is this badass pirate bar with a "little person bar" inside. There was also a big block party going on outside too, so lot of socializing and games. We ended the night stopping by a dance club called The Firehouse and danced until the wee hours of the morning. Let's just say we didn't go to bed until 4:30.... Did I mention that my wife was locked out of the apartment for 3 hours while she waited for us to get home.....

Beginning the night with Kings Cup
Me having fun with glow sticks :)
My buddies Rafa and Becky (roomie)
J and me up to no good.....
The next morning, bright and early, we were up and getting ready for the pool BBQ. We picked up more drinks, and wife and roomie made tons of food. We spent the rest of the day lounging,eating and playing more kings cup.
The Gang!
J, me, Haylee (wife), Drew, Rafa (my sexy venezualan), Chad, Clint, Gina (hiding), and John and Becky (roomie) is taking the pic.
It was an amazingly fun weekend and I am so lucky to have such good friends. They might not be too happy about me leaving but love me enough to come and celebrate this new move in my life! I couldn't have asked for better friends.... I will seriously miss them!