Monday, November 18, 2013

Away from home happiness....

Let me start this by saying that I love my job. Don't think I could ever go back to having a normal 9-5 job or going to the same office everyday.  I love the opportunities it gives me like:
  • Traveling to places I would never normally go or ever get to the chance to go
  • Meeting new people from every aspect of life
  • The CRAZY and UNIQUE experiences I have everyday one the job
But, being gone as much as I am, sometimes 6 nights a week, it makes you realize how much you do miss home or the familiar when you are gone. One of my all time favorite movies is Juno. I love her witt and the way she words things sooo much. She says the perfect line that I think of every time I am away too long....
 "I never realize how much I like being home unless I've been somewhere really different for awhile."
My job gets me out of the normal bubble I feel like people get "stuck" in and makes me appreciate everything about home. For the last 3 weeks, I have been on a long needed vacation, which means minimal technology, sleeping in past 4 am,  and close to no flying. ( Come on, I can't not go somewhere fun!) It's been that breath of fresh air I needed to recenter myself and just be lazy and relax.Turn my mind off and not think of all the things I have to get done or where I need to be. Even if you don't have a lot of time, just getting that Mani/Pedi or catching that yoga class can make the world of a difference. Getting that ME time.....
When I work, I  tend to forget about me and those close to me. Yes, I know it's horrible but it's just how I deal with the general public and my job.The important things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep or even just texting or calling that person back gets pushed to the back of my mind. I forget about my life at home and tend to only focus on my flights, my crew and my  passengers happiness. What about my happiness and well being...?

It took me sometime to realize (2 years of flying) that the way I was  handling things was not working. I was more tired, not as focused and not myself. So, I made a huge effort to take that time for my self each day, even if it was just a few minutes. I try and do those little things everyday. I will find a little corner in the airport where I can be by myself and read a book or do bedtime yoga every night in my hotel room.
I didn't realize how much I had really needed this vacation until I was a few days into my time off. I went into it without having any plans. I know myself well enough that if that "plan" didn't happen, it would have stressed me out. But, I was able to reconnect with some of my bestest friends, do a quick adventure to Zion's National Park and a weekend in Phoenix.
I guess my point of this is never forget about those things that are important to you. The things that make you a better, happier, healthier person. Don't forget about your family, friends, pets, hell, I will even say my bed!

Only I can feel it's true warmth!

Road trip to Zion's

Found my perfect "OM" Spot.

Rocks, rocks and more rocks
Ethiopian Horse Hair Hat?!
Cafe Lalibela in Phoenix. My first Ethiopian food experience. Always a first time, right?
BFF Necklace and comfy, cozy sweater.
When you have time off, how do you relax or recover from your hectic life? What activities or things do you do to get back to your center or you?


  1. I love reading your posts! A way that I try and relax is curling up in bed and just reading a good book. Or taking the time to enjoy my tea....

  2. Awww. Am I the piss in your pants?!


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